Preparing Expatriates for Work in Seoul, South Korea

           This site is designed to help be an example for those preparing to be an expatriate traveling to South Korea.  A job was selected as a research base that would set the stage for the related information given for a person and their family traveling to South Korea.  This is a senior undergraduate project related to Brigham Young University - Hawaii International Business Management 400.  The name of the course is International Organizational Behavior.


Presented by: Ha U Lei, M. Adam Molling, Wei Yung "Queenie" Suen, and Ryan Stoker
Course: IBM 400
Instructor:  Helena Hannonen
Fall 2008

The South Korea Team Presentation

These two Youtube videos have both the Power Point Presentation and audio recordings of our final presentation for this project.  The presentation is a condensed overview of the information found on this website and the process it took to make this information available.  The presentation was given on Thursday, December 4, 2008.   

File Size: 1408 kb
File Type: ppsx
Download File

This site is designed to help be an example for those preparing to be an expatriate traveling to South Korea. A job was selected as a research base that would set the stage for the related information given for a person and their family traveling to South Korea. This is a senior undergraduate project related to Brigham Young University - Hawaii International Business Management course 400 named International Organizational Behavior.